What is Incare Ministry?
PFS and our volunteers provide spiritual, emotional, and practical support to those in prison, as well as individuals who need pre-sentencing counsel.
We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and we are committed to helping those in prison rebuild their lives.
Our Incare Programmes
Chapel Service & Bible Study
Every week, more than 50 Bible study sessions are held across all prison clusters. Volunteers from church teams lead worship and deliver inspirational messages.
These sessions help prisoners learn life skills, experience recovery and inner healing, and make attitudinal changes. They also provide a safe space for prisoners to talk about their joys, struggles, and practical areas of life change.
The sessions are a vital part of the rehabilitation process for prisoners. They provide hope, support, and guidance, and help prisoners to rebuild their lives and become productive members of society.
Christian Intensive Religious Counselling Programme (CIRCP)
The Chrisitian Intensive Religious Counselling Program (CIRCP) is a spiritual and character formation syllabus that seeks to help prisoners turn over a new leaf and experience life transformation through the power of Jesus Christ.
The program is based on the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model of offender assessment and treatment. This model identifies three key factors that contribute to recidivism: risk, need, and responsivity.
The CIRCP addresses all three of these factors. First, the program targets participants who are at a high risk of reoffending. Second, the program focuses on the criminogenic needs of these participants, such as antisocial cognition or personality patterns, substance abuse, and familial and marital relationships. Lastly, the program uses a cognitive behavioral approach that is tailored to the individual needs of each participant.
The CIRCP is a nine-month program that meets Tuesdays through Fridays. On Mondays, participants have the opportunity to receive one-on-one counseling.
The program covers a variety of topics, including:
The Purpose Driven Life
The Alpha Course
Victim Empathy
The CIRCP is designed to instill hope in the lives of the incarcerated, help them embrace opportunities for change, receive emotional support and develop a new sense of self. The program culminates in a graduation ceremony that is open to family members of the participants.
In 2022,
Number of Pre-Sentence beneficiaries who received counselling help.
Number of Incare sessions, comprising of Chapel & Bible Study, that were held.
Number of beneficiaries who were reached weekly.
Number of volunteers who were deployed weekly.