Prison Fellowship Singapore
Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) is an inter-denominational Christian non-profit organization that reaches out to prisoners, ex-offenders and their families in Singapore.
We partner churches and volunteers to help men, women and their families in Singapore’s prison system before and during imprisonment, and upon release.
PFS’ core activities focus on:
transforming the lives of inmates and ex-offenders
helping the rehabilitation of inmates and ex-offenders
restoring broken relationships between inmates/ex-offenders and their family members
breaking the inter-generational cycle of offending
strengthening the community partnership
developing cohesiveness; and
integrating with society through programmes that bring inmates and the community together.

Our Vision
A Christian community that embraces prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families with God’s love and transformative power.
Our Mission
To mobilise, engage and equip the Christian community to minister to prisoners, ex-offenders, and their families, enabling them to be a blessing to society.
Our Values
Humility, Integrity, Stewardship,
Love & Unity
We honour one another with Christ-like servitude.
We endeavour to be honest, upright and trustworthy.
We account to God for all resources entrusted to us.
We appreciate and embrace all with God’s love.
We work as one body with diverse giftings to fulfil our mission.
In addition to its faith-based programmes, Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) also provides a variety of faith-neutral programmes through its IPC Fund, Seventy Times Seven (or “70x7”).
PFS also works with governing bodies to better support our local community. In Singapore, the Ministry of Culture, Community & Youth (MCCY) is the governing ministry of PFS.
Internationally, PFS is one of over 100 chartered members of Prison Fellowship International (PFI).
PFS is also affiliated with the following organisations:
Associate Member of National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS)
Member of National Council of Social Service (NCSS)
Our Impact
(As of November 2023)
Approx. 1500*
(As of November 2023)
Our Beginnings
Our journey can be traced back to the early 1950s. Secret society activities were rampant and the prisons held many gangsters behind bars. Reverend Khoo Siaw Hua (a Methodist pastor) received a letter from an English inspector working at Changi Prison, inviting him to be the pastor for the prison. In that letter were these famous words:
“These men fear no man nor law, but try to get them to fear God.”
Moved by the plea and led by the spirit, Reverend Khoo responded to that call and began his service in prison with the goal of conveying God's love to the convicts.
Reverend Khoo Siaw Hua served the prison community until his death in 1985. A decade before his passing, his son and successor, Reverend Henry Khoo was appointed Honorary Senior Chaplain and he continued his father’s legacy by holding out the light of Christ at Changi Prison. As a teacher, he was posted to pioneer the Prison School. Despite his initial reluctance to be involved with prison work, he knew later that there was no “getting around God’s will”. In 1968, he began his work in Changi Prison.
Through the pioneering work of Reverend Khoo Siaw Hua and the faithful labour of Reverend Henry Khoo, the prison ministry has come a long way since 1953. God has used both men to touch the lives of many. Today, Prison Fellowship Singapore has the privilege of working alongside our valued partners to continue this work. We cannot do this work by ourselves and wish to recognise the contributions and support of our dedicated team of volunteers and eco-system partners, such as the Singapore Prison Service, Yellow Ribbon Singapore, Christian halfway houses, churches, foundations, private corporations, government and other social service agencies. We are delighted that together, we can celebrate the positive impact made in breaking the cycle of crime and giving ex-offenders a second chance in their personal rehabilitation, reconciliation and reintegration journeys.
Our Milestones
Rev. Khoo Siaw Hua began ministering to inmates in prison.
The prison ministry & chaplaincy become recognised by Singapore Prison Service (SPS).
The same ministry was incorporated formally as Rehabilitation Life Limited.
The organisation became affiliated to Prison Fellowship International (PFI) and was officially known as Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS).